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AssignmentGPT Blogs

AssignmentGPT Blogs

AssignmentGPT Blogs

6 Best ways to prepare writing assignments in the AI age

September 6, 2024
Vikas Kukadiya
Vikas Kukadiya
6 Best ways to prepare writing assignments in the AI age


  1. Quick Summary
  2. How might students use AI tools while working on assignments?
  3. 6 best ways to prepare writing assignments in the AI age
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

AI has penetrated into everyday lives. From the food that we order to the movie tickets that we book, AI is everywhere.

Similarly, education has also benefited majorly from AI. You probably know who Physicswallah is, right? The firm uses AI to power their educational endeavors, giving them a competitive edge.

And now, AI can also be used to write assignments! While students may use this opportunity to their absolute fullest, it is important that there are some frameworks in place.

And it's the responsibility of the teachers to ensure proper placement of rules and regulations.

Quick Summary

In today’s blog, we’ll be discussing the pros and cons of getting help from assignment writers, and how teachers can ensure that its use is regulated well.

How might students use AI tools while working on assignments?

AI tools are quite helpful when used in the correct way. So, what may be the incorrect way of using them?

Well, it is relying 100% on these tools that causes a problem. Doing so hinders creativity to a great extent and doesn't let you channelize your thoughts and give them proper structure.

Instead, use AI to do the research work, or to give you a first draft. You can then go on to edit the document, infusing the human touch that AI lacks. Using AI in a positive way will surely go on to make a difference in the deliverables that a student has.

Also read this article : 11 Writing Assistant Apps for Ultimate Productivity

6 Best ways to prepare writing assignments in the AI age

Leverage AI for idea generation and research, but maintain originality. Organize your outline, verify facts, and proofread manually. Use AI tools to check grammar, but always ensure your voice and critical thinking shine through in the final draft.

6 best ways to prepare writing assignments in the AI age

1. Update academic integrity policy to inform instruction and assessment practices

For the safe, integral use of AI – updating the academic integrity policy is the starting point. It is imperative that you make sure that the policies work towards not eradicating but infusing AI into the mix.

When you form your policy in this way, you’ll provide students with the freedom to use AI. This freedom involves permitting the use of AI in a constructive manner that is beneficial to the students in a variety of ways. Be it forming a first draft or improving an existing one – AI does wonders.

But it also takes the workload off of you. And it is important for students to develop a mindset that helps them integrate AI. Start with determining which AI tools are best and provide a list along with a basic guide on how to use them for your students.

2. Communicate new assignment guidelines with students

Once you have the necessary guidelines in place, you can then move forward to communicating them with the students.

This typically involves compiling a list of the various guidelines that you put in place. With that, it is essential that you also review the guidelines thoroughly. Doing so will make sure that what you aim for is being clearly communicated within the guidelines itself.

Then, move on to communicating the guidelines with the students. This can be done by sending a copy and explaining the guidelines to them in class. This helps in building the framework for an environment that views AI as a tool and not as a threat.

3. Review and revise writing assignments and associated scoring tools

Now, you can move towards reviewing and revising writing assignments. So, AI is an expert at certain tasks – but it also has limitations.

One should know what its limitations are. And, once you understand these limitations, educators can craft prompts that are less susceptible to AI interference.

4. Employ the writing process; live in the formative space

The writing process is beneficial for all writers, not just novices. Incorporate steps like prewriting, drafting and revising. Instruct students to submit drafts. Receive feedback and make revisions that increase visibility in their work and reduce the likelihood of the misuse of AI. Using Artificial Intelligence for assignment needs must be integrated rather than replacing the conventional methods of writing an assignment.

A culture of communication between the teacher and the student encourages positive introduction of technology such as AI. This also encourages genuine work, and providing specific feedback for the same is essential on the part of the educator.

5. Direct students to use writing platforms where multiple drafts can be saved for review

Making sure that your work is authentic, and then proving the work’s authenticity is essential. So, using a platform such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word can help you out with inputs. These help you save multiple drafts, and the changes can be traced back right to the first word written.

This helps in providing a certain amount of originality, whether the document has been written originally or has the content been copy pasted.

6. Institute opportunities for students to discuss their work

Requiring students to discuss their work with teachers or peers reduces the likelihood of the misuse of Assignment AI writing. It doesn’t fully eliminate the risk, rather it provides a certain degree of accountability.

Give an extra activity at the end of an assignment. This can be in the form of peer reviews, writing conferences or reflection sessions. These discussions serve to boost the investment of students in their work and add to motivation. This helps prepare writing assignments in general as well.


So, there you have it! A blog that helps you with how you can integrate AI into writing assignments, amongst other writing endeavours. View it as something that you can positively utilize.

That’s what we aim to do with this blog. Providing you with an overview of how you can use AI help with assignment writing.

You can use AssignmentGPT for your assignment writing needs! Try it out now from the website by clicking here!


1. What are the ethical concerns associated with using AI to write assignments?

Plagiarism: AI-generated content might be flagged as plagiarized if improperly cited. Academic dishonesty: Relying solely on AI may curb critical thinking and learning. Privacy concerns: Some AI tools may collect and store personal student data.

2. How can teachers effectively detect AI-generated content in student work?

Plagiarism detection tools: Use software to identify similarities between student work and online sources. Critical thinking analysis: Assess the depth of understanding and originality in the writing. Stylistic aspects: Look for sudden shifts in writing style or tone.

3. What are the benefits of using AI as a learning tool?

Research assistance: AI can help gather information and generate ideas. Writing support: AI can provide feedback on grammar, style, and clarity. Personalized learning: AI can adapt to individual student needs and pace.

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